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Getting More Help

The information below is for our young people who would benefit from more specialist targeted support. Referrals are considered, by evidence, of a mental health disorder and significant impairment of functioning, as well as risk to the young person or others. 

At All Hallows our mental health and wellbeing offer is: 

Where there is evidence of a mental health disorder and significant impairment of functioning, as well as risk to the young person or others, then Miss Clements, Miss Cook & the SEND Team can support young people and families with the referral process, and attend meetings to enable a joined-up approach.


AT All Hallows, our Safeguarding Team are: Mr Blades (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Miss Clements (Deputy DSL) & Mrs Garvey (Deputy DSL).

Miss Clements
Michelle Ball.jpg
Mrs Ball
Right Help, Right Time
Delivering effective support for children and
families in Cheshire East
Multi-Agency Threshold of Need Guidance

All Hallows work closely with Cheshire East Family Hub and Social workers. We work with families and young people, to offer extra and targeted help assessment. This allows us to support you in getting effective and early intervention bringing other professionals around the table with a plan of support. Early help assessments are voluntary. This means that parents carers or young people do not have to agree to have an assessment. But remember, early help aims to support families and young people and to prevent problems from getting worse. So, early help services may prevent the child and family’s needs from escalating.


Multi-Agency Threshold of Need Guidance

The guidance provides a framework for professionals who are working with children, young people, and families and aims to help identify circumstances when children may need additional support to achieve their potential. The stepped approach provides information on the levels of children’s needs. There are four different levels of need from universal services, which are available to all children and include education and health; extra and targeted help for those children who need additional support to reach their potential; and statutory and specialist help where the issues are more complex.

When families need some extra help and support to keep their children safe and well. Support includes assessing what families need and creating and implementing a plan of support.


More information can be found on Cheshire East Council's website at Family Information Service & Early Help Assessment

  • External Services Who Provide Advice & Information
    The following organisations are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can provide. ‘Advice right now’. Emergency Services You should still call 999 or go to A&E if you have an immediate, life-threatening emergency. Anyone who has concerns for the immediate safety of a child or young person must phone. Cheshire East Consultation Service (CHECS) on 0300 123 5012 (option 3) Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm, or Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm; or out of hours service (emergency duty team) on 0300 123 5022 Childline For CYP aged 12 years and over The Samaritans Talk to us on the phone. Whatever you're going through, call us free any time. Shout Anna Freud on my mind For CYP of all age groups and parent / carers and educational professionals ​ My Mind For CYP of all age groups and parent / carers and education professionals ​ Childline For CYP under 12 years ​ Visyon For Parent / Carers of CYP aged under 11 - this may be a listening ear or help with sign posting and or recorded webinars such as managing anxiety ​ MindEd For Families ​ Visyon For CYP aged 11 plus - this may be a listening ear or help with sign posting and or recorded webinars such as managing anxiety ​ Mental health and wellbeing APPS for CYP of mixed age groups ​ Kidscape For CYP of all ages - tips on dealing with bullying and cyberbullying and ways for young people to build their confidence ​ Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) For CYP up to 18 years of age - for children experiencing homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying or harassment ​ Teen Sleep Hub ​ Kooth For CYP 11 to 25 years ​ Young Minds For CYP aged 12 years and over ​ Youth Council For CYP aged 11 to 18 years. Have your say and be involved in decision making processes locally and regionally ​ ChatHealth – text messaging facility for 11–19-year-olds (delivered by the School Nursing Team) ​ Mind – For CYP aged 12 years and over ​ Ditch the Label For CYP aged 12 to 25 years - issues from mental health and bullying to identity, Asian hate crimes and relationships ​ Racism and mental health advice for young people Mentally Healthy Schools CYP aged 15 plus Boloh Supports Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic children (11+), young people and parents and carers who have been affected by Covid-19. You can call to talk through any worry or problem, including around issues bullying and racism. 0800 151 2605 ​ The Mix For CYP aged 13 to 25 years ​ Sane For Young People aged 16 years and over ​ Student Minds For Young People aged 16 years plus ​ Charlie Waller Trust For young people starting sixth form, college and university ​ Cheshire East Carers' Hub ​ Barnardo’s See, Hear, Respond programme, For vulnerable CYP around the country who are experiencing negative impacts on their health and wellbeing, as well as those at risk of harm. ​ Advice and rights - Youth Access
  • Parenting Support
    Family Hub Parenting offer ​ MINDED For FAMILIES: A website with information for parent carers who feel concerned about their child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing. Links to various organisations that can help, advise, or give more information if needed. ​ My Family Coach from Team Teach: information for parent carers who feel concerned about their child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing. Links to various organisations that can help, advise, or give more information if needed. ​ CEIAS - Support and information for children and young people with SEND, their parents and or their careers. This service aims to ensure CYP with SEND and their parent carers can be fully involved in decisions relating to special educational needs provision. RELATE ​A toolkit to help build better relationships
  • Young Carers
    Young Carers Hub SANE ​Information & advice for anyone aged 16 and over, affected by mental illness as well as carers and families.
  • Careers / Post 16
    Unifrog ​ Youth Support Service ​ For CYP aged 13 to 25 years, who live in Cheshire East and could benefit from support such as open access, targeted Youth Work, Outdoor Education, focused support for NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), support to young people who have an EHC plan, and transitional planning for targeted young people preparing for adulthood. Journey First CYP over the age of 15 who face barriers into education, employment, or training. This tailored one-to-one service offers everyone the opportunity to find a path in a way which is as unique as the individual. ​​ Princes Trust 12-week programme ​ Employment, Education or Training. (Macclesfield Team Leaders), 07815487293 07812782093

If you feel you still need additional support, please look at the next section, Getting Risk Support.

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