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Getting Help

The information below is for our young people and their families who would benefit from support, from either All Hallows or an external provider. This may include small workshops, 1:1 counselling, or a listening ear.

At All Hallows our mental health and wellbeing offer is: 

We do not expect our College staff to be experts in mental health or to diagnose mental health, however, the emotional well-being of our students is central to our Christian ethos.

At All Hallows we want to be able to ‘make sense’ of what is going on for a young person and understand how best to help. Our assessment system is based on levels of need to ensure that students get the support they need, either from within the College or from an external specialist service. The level of need is based on discussions during regular meetings with key members of staff. In some cases (and only after seeking consent) we may use a questionnaire to help to identify the nature and level of the young person’s need and to plan for effective additional support. Our aim is to put in place interventions and sign posting as early as possible to prevent problems escalating.

Miss Cook
Miss Clements
Mr Larvin
Mr Grimshaw

Miss Cook and Miss Clements are now level 5 Diploma in Trauma and mental health informed school. This gives them the enhanced skills in how to listen and empathise when young people want to talk about painful issues, and help them reflect and work through feelings of anger and traumatic loss. Our Trauma Practitioners will also support a young person with an appropriate referral when more specialist support is required, and work with other staff to promote whole school trauma informed approaches.

As an Early Help Lead, Miss Clements can help when families need support to keep safe and well. An Early Help Assessment is an initial assessment and planning tool that facilitates and coordinates multi-agency support. It assesses the situation of the child or young person and their family and helps to identify the needs of both the children and the adults in the family.

Mr Larvin is undertaking Emotional Literacy Support Assistant training. As an ELSA practitioner he will be able to work with young people to develop a range of coping skills, from self-esteem to anger management.

Our Aspire Hub provides a safe space for identified students who are accessing 1:1 or small group support for a variety of reasons. Mr Larvin (Pastoral Intervention Lead) and Mr Grimshaw (Pastoral Support Manager) are based in the Aspire Hub.

Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) are a new service designed to help meet the mental health needs of children and young people in education settings. Our Education Mental Health Practitioner delivers targeted support to young people with mild to moderate needs (in development).

At All Hallows all teaching staff are trained in Emotion Coaching and our College is working towards the Trauma UK Award to promote a supportive ethos and environment. 

Our Year Learning Leaders and Pastoral Leads are trained to use the screening tools; Next Step, SDQ, Core and Boxall. These screening toolkits help us to identity the level of need for our students.

Mr Blades
Mrs Bell-Smith
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Miss Taylor
Mrs Lewis
Miss Gowing
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Mrs Ball
Mr Mercer
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Mr Megson

Miss Wood oversees the attendance and punctuality across the College. Mrs McNulty is our Education Welfare Officer for the Trust and also works with our primary schools. Together, we work with families where students have attendance concerns to support and break down any barriers to school, helping to improve a student's attendance and education in school.

Miss Wood
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Miss McNulty
  • External Services Who Provide Advice & Information
    The following organisations are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can provide. ‘Advice right now’. Emergency Services You should still call 999 or go to A&E if you have an immediate, life-threatening emergency. Anyone who has concerns for the immediate safety of a child or young person must phone. Cheshire East Consultation Service (CHECS) on 0300 123 5012 (option 3) Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm, or Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm; or out of hours service (emergency duty team) on 0300 123 5022 Childline For CYP aged 12 years and over The Samaritans Talk to us on the phone. Whatever you're going through, call us free any time. Shout Anna Freud on my mind For CYP of all age groups and parent / carers and educational professionals ​ My Mind For CYP of all age groups and parent / carers and education professionals ​ Childline For CYP under 12 years ​ Visyon For Parent / Carers of CYP aged under 11 - this may be a listening ear or help with sign posting and or recorded webinars such as managing anxiety ​ MindEd For Families ​ Visyon For CYP aged 11 plus - this may be a listening ear or help with sign posting and or recorded webinars such as managing anxiety ​ Mental health and wellbeing APPS for CYP of mixed age groups ​ Kidscape For CYP of all ages - tips on dealing with bullying and cyberbullying and ways for young people to build their confidence ​ Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) For CYP up to 18 years of age - for children experiencing homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying or harassment ​ Teen Sleep Hub ​ Kooth For CYP 11 to 25 years ​ Young Minds For CYP aged 12 years and over ​ Youth Council For CYP aged 11 to 18 years. Have your say and be involved in decision making processes locally and regionally ​ ChatHealth – text messaging facility for 11–19-year-olds (delivered by the School Nursing Team) ​ Mind – For CYP aged 12 years and over ​ Ditch the Label For CYP aged 12 to 25 years - issues from mental health and bullying to identity, Asian hate crimes and relationships ​ Racism and mental health advice for young people Mentally Healthy Schools CYP aged 15 plus Boloh Supports Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic children (11+), young people and parents and carers who have been affected by Covid-19. You can call to talk through any worry or problem, including around issues bullying and racism. 0800 151 2605 ​ The Mix For CYP aged 13 to 25 years ​ Sane For Young People aged 16 years and over ​ Student Minds For Young People aged 16 years plus ​ Charlie Waller Trust For young people starting sixth form, college and university ​ Cheshire East Carers' Hub ​ Barnardo’s See, Hear, Respond programme, For vulnerable CYP around the country who are experiencing negative impacts on their health and wellbeing, as well as those at risk of harm. ​ Advice and rights - Youth Access
  • Parenting Support
    Family Hub Parenting offer ​ MINDED For FAMILIES: A website with information for parent carers who feel concerned about their child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing. Links to various organisations that can help, advise, or give more information if needed. ​ My Family Coach from Team Teach: information for parent carers who feel concerned about their child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing. Links to various organisations that can help, advise, or give more information if needed. ​ CEIAS - Support and information for children and young people with SEND, their parents and or their careers. This service aims to ensure CYP with SEND and their parent carers can be fully involved in decisions relating to special educational needs provision. RELATE ​A toolkit to help build better relationships
  • Young Carers
    Young Carers Hub SANE ​Information & advice for anyone aged 16 and over, affected by mental illness as well as carers and families.
  • Careers / Post 16
    Unifrog ​ Youth Support Service ​ For CYP aged 13 to 25 years, who live in Cheshire East and could benefit from support such as open access, targeted Youth Work, Outdoor Education, focused support for NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), support to young people who have an EHC plan, and transitional planning for targeted young people preparing for adulthood. Journey First CYP over the age of 15 who face barriers into education, employment, or training. This tailored one-to-one service offers everyone the opportunity to find a path in a way which is as unique as the individual. ​​ Princes Trust 12-week programme ​ Employment, Education or Training. (Macclesfield Team Leaders), 07815487293 07812782093

We now have JDI counsellor based in school 4 days a week. Our counsellors are Emma Mountain and Susan Lomas, and they provide a range of support – this may be a listening ear, wellbeing groups, webinars (such as managing anxiety), mentoring, counselling, or parent workshops. For referral please speak to year learning leads or a member of the pastoral team.

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Mrs Mountain
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Mrs Lomas
  • External Services Who Provide Advice & Information
    The following organisations are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can provide. ‘Advice right now’. Emergency Services You should still call 999 or go to A&E if you have an immediate, life-threatening emergency. Anyone who has concerns for the immediate safety of a child or young person must phone. Cheshire East Consultation Service (CHECS) on 0300 123 5012 (option 3) Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm, or Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm; or out of hours service (emergency duty team) on 0300 123 5022 Childline For CYP aged 12 years and over The Samaritans Talk to us on the phone. Whatever you're going through, call us free any time. Shout Anna Freud on my mind For CYP of all age groups and parent / carers and educational professionals ​ My Mind For CYP of all age groups and parent / carers and education professionals ​ Childline For CYP under 12 years ​ Visyon For Parent / Carers of CYP aged under 11 - this may be a listening ear or help with sign posting and or recorded webinars such as managing anxiety ​ MindEd For Families ​ Visyon For CYP aged 11 plus - this may be a listening ear or help with sign posting and or recorded webinars such as managing anxiety ​ Mental health and wellbeing APPS for CYP of mixed age groups ​ Kidscape For CYP of all ages - tips on dealing with bullying and cyberbullying and ways for young people to build their confidence ​ Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) For CYP up to 18 years of age - for children experiencing homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying or harassment ​ Teen Sleep Hub ​ Kooth For CYP 11 to 25 years ​ Young Minds For CYP aged 12 years and over ​ Youth Council For CYP aged 11 to 18 years. Have your say and be involved in decision making processes locally and regionally ​ ChatHealth – text messaging facility for 11–19-year-olds (delivered by the School Nursing Team) ​ Mind – For CYP aged 12 years and over ​ Ditch the Label For CYP aged 12 to 25 years - issues from mental health and bullying to identity, Asian hate crimes and relationships ​ Racism and mental health advice for young people Mentally Healthy Schools CYP aged 15 plus Boloh Supports Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic children (11+), young people and parents and carers who have been affected by Covid-19. You can call to talk through any worry or problem, including around issues bullying and racism. 0800 151 2605 ​ The Mix For CYP aged 13 to 25 years ​ Sane For Young People aged 16 years and over ​ Student Minds For Young People aged 16 years plus ​ Charlie Waller Trust For young people starting sixth form, college and university ​ Cheshire East Carers' Hub ​ Barnardo’s See, Hear, Respond programme, For vulnerable CYP around the country who are experiencing negative impacts on their health and wellbeing, as well as those at risk of harm. ​ Advice and rights - Youth Access
  • Parenting Support
    Family Hub Parenting offer ​ MINDED For FAMILIES: A website with information for parent carers who feel concerned about their child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing. Links to various organisations that can help, advise, or give more information if needed. ​ My Family Coach from Team Teach: information for parent carers who feel concerned about their child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing. Links to various organisations that can help, advise, or give more information if needed. ​ CEIAS - Support and information for children and young people with SEND, their parents and or their careers. This service aims to ensure CYP with SEND and their parent carers can be fully involved in decisions relating to special educational needs provision. RELATE ​A toolkit to help build better relationships
  • Young Carers
    Young Carers Hub SANE ​Information & advice for anyone aged 16 and over, affected by mental illness as well as carers and families.
  • Careers / Post 16
    Unifrog ​ Youth Support Service ​ For CYP aged 13 to 25 years, who live in Cheshire East and could benefit from support such as open access, targeted Youth Work, Outdoor Education, focused support for NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), support to young people who have an EHC plan, and transitional planning for targeted young people preparing for adulthood. Journey First CYP over the age of 15 who face barriers into education, employment, or training. This tailored one-to-one service offers everyone the opportunity to find a path in a way which is as unique as the individual. ​​ Princes Trust 12-week programme ​ Employment, Education or Training. (Macclesfield Team Leaders), 07815487293 07812782093

SEND Team – Mr Mercer, Mr Geagea and Miss Cooke lead a team of specialist members of support staff who act as an 'advocate or expert' for the identified child. The key worker role promotes effective communication as part of a good and very real partnership between home and College. It allows for immediate access to key staff, and the implementation of strategies that support the education of your child. It also helps facilitate sound transition across the key stages, and the transfer into secondary education, which can often be worrying for SEND students and their parents. We very much welcome contact with parents & carers, and see this communication as the best way to help our students achieve their best whilst they are with us.

Mr B Mercer
Mr Geagea
Maisy Cooke_edited.png
Miss Cooke
Marc Harley – PC 4489 Macclesfield Youth Engagement Officer

PC Harley Attend All Hallows Every Wednesday Morning. Youth engagement officers work closely with us here at All Hallows and is familiar faces to our students around the school.


PC Harley will complete direct work, and group work, and deliver workshops and assemblies, on subjects such as:

  • Knife crime

  • CSE

  • CCE

  • ​Antisocial behaviour

  • Online safety​

PC Harley also runs the local police cadets if you like to know more about how to get involved please email:

If you would like to meet PC Harley, please let Miss C Clements or Mr Larvin know and we can arrange a drop-in session.

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Mr M Harley

Our School Nursing Team aims to promote, protect, and support young people in school and the community. Offering physical and emotional health advice and support to ensure you all are:

  • Being healthy

  • Staying safe

  • Enjoy and achieve

  • Make a positive contribution

  • Achieve economic wellbeing


The School nurse team will be doing a Termly drop-in session at All Hallow these will be on a Wednesday in Student Service dates will be posted on the wellbeing site and also in the newsletter, and during form times. NHS Trained nurses can offer advice on many subjects such as:

  • Physical Health

  • Diet and Exercise

  • General Health

  • Sexual Health

  • Smoking / Vaping

  • Identity

  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing

  • Friendships

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Drugs

  • Alcohol

The school nursing service offers a confidential and safe space for you to seek advice and support for all your health and well-being needs. The school nurse would always encourage you to discuss any health and well-being concerns with trusted adults in the first instance. Should any risk or harm concerns be raised these would have to be shared with appropriate adults and professionals to ensure your safety.

Public Health Nurses – Macclesfield / All Hallows
  • External Services Who Provide Advice & Information
    The following organisations are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can provide. ‘Advice right now’. Emergency Services You should still call 999 or go to A&E if you have an immediate, life-threatening emergency. Anyone who has concerns for the immediate safety of a child or young person must phone. Cheshire East Consultation Service (CHECS) on 0300 123 5012 (option 3) Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm, or Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm; or out of hours service (emergency duty team) on 0300 123 5022 Childline For CYP aged 12 years and over The Samaritans Talk to us on the phone. Whatever you're going through, call us free any time. Shout Anna Freud on my mind For CYP of all age groups and parent / carers and educational professionals ​ My Mind For CYP of all age groups and parent / carers and education professionals ​ Childline For CYP under 12 years ​ Visyon For Parent / Carers of CYP aged under 11 - this may be a listening ear or help with sign posting and or recorded webinars such as managing anxiety ​ MindEd For Families ​ Visyon For CYP aged 11 plus - this may be a listening ear or help with sign posting and or recorded webinars such as managing anxiety ​ Mental health and wellbeing APPS for CYP of mixed age groups ​ Kidscape For CYP of all ages - tips on dealing with bullying and cyberbullying and ways for young people to build their confidence ​ Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) For CYP up to 18 years of age - for children experiencing homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying or harassment ​ Teen Sleep Hub ​ Kooth For CYP 11 to 25 years ​ Young Minds For CYP aged 12 years and over ​ Youth Council For CYP aged 11 to 18 years. Have your say and be involved in decision making processes locally and regionally ​ ChatHealth – text messaging facility for 11–19-year-olds (delivered by the School Nursing Team) ​ Mind – For CYP aged 12 years and over ​ Ditch the Label For CYP aged 12 to 25 years - issues from mental health and bullying to identity, Asian hate crimes and relationships ​ Racism and mental health advice for young people Mentally Healthy Schools CYP aged 15 plus Boloh Supports Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic children (11+), young people and parents and carers who have been affected by Covid-19. You can call to talk through any worry or problem, including around issues bullying and racism. 0800 151 2605 ​ The Mix For CYP aged 13 to 25 years ​ Sane For Young People aged 16 years and over ​ Student Minds For Young People aged 16 years plus ​ Charlie Waller Trust For young people starting sixth form, college and university ​ Cheshire East Carers' Hub ​ Barnardo’s See, Hear, Respond programme, For vulnerable CYP around the country who are experiencing negative impacts on their health and wellbeing, as well as those at risk of harm. ​ Advice and rights - Youth Access
  • Parenting Support
    Family Hub Parenting offer ​ MINDED For FAMILIES: A website with information for parent carers who feel concerned about their child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing. Links to various organisations that can help, advise, or give more information if needed. ​ My Family Coach from Team Teach: information for parent carers who feel concerned about their child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing. Links to various organisations that can help, advise, or give more information if needed. ​ CEIAS - Support and information for children and young people with SEND, their parents and or their careers. This service aims to ensure CYP with SEND and their parent carers can be fully involved in decisions relating to special educational needs provision. RELATE ​A toolkit to help build better relationships
  • Young Carers
    Young Carers Hub SANE ​Information & advice for anyone aged 16 and over, affected by mental illness as well as carers and families.
  • Careers / Post 16
    Unifrog ​ Youth Support Service ​ For CYP aged 13 to 25 years, who live in Cheshire East and could benefit from support such as open access, targeted Youth Work, Outdoor Education, focused support for NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), support to young people who have an EHC plan, and transitional planning for targeted young people preparing for adulthood. Journey First CYP over the age of 15 who face barriers into education, employment, or training. This tailored one-to-one service offers everyone the opportunity to find a path in a way which is as unique as the individual. ​​ Princes Trust 12-week programme ​ Employment, Education or Training. (Macclesfield Team Leaders), 07815487293 07812782093

Alongside our team here at All Hallows there are many external services that we use and recommend:

  • External Services Who Provide Advice & Information
    The following organisations are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can provide. ‘Advice right now’. Emergency Services You should still call 999 or go to A&E if you have an immediate, life-threatening emergency. Anyone who has concerns for the immediate safety of a child or young person must phone. Cheshire East Consultation Service (CHECS) on 0300 123 5012 (option 3) Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm, or Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm; or out of hours service (emergency duty team) on 0300 123 5022 Childline For CYP aged 12 years and over The Samaritans Talk to us on the phone. Whatever you're going through, call us free any time. Shout Anna Freud on my mind For CYP of all age groups and parent / carers and educational professionals ​ My Mind For CYP of all age groups and parent / carers and education professionals ​ Childline For CYP under 12 years ​ Visyon For Parent / Carers of CYP aged under 11 - this may be a listening ear or help with sign posting and or recorded webinars such as managing anxiety ​ MindEd For Families ​ Visyon For CYP aged 11 plus - this may be a listening ear or help with sign posting and or recorded webinars such as managing anxiety ​ Mental health and wellbeing APPS for CYP of mixed age groups ​ Kidscape For CYP of all ages - tips on dealing with bullying and cyberbullying and ways for young people to build their confidence ​ Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) For CYP up to 18 years of age - for children experiencing homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying or harassment ​ Teen Sleep Hub ​ Kooth For CYP 11 to 25 years ​ Young Minds For CYP aged 12 years and over ​ Youth Council For CYP aged 11 to 18 years. Have your say and be involved in decision making processes locally and regionally ​ ChatHealth – text messaging facility for 11–19-year-olds (delivered by the School Nursing Team) ​ Mind – For CYP aged 12 years and over ​ Ditch the Label For CYP aged 12 to 25 years - issues from mental health and bullying to identity, Asian hate crimes and relationships ​ Racism and mental health advice for young people Mentally Healthy Schools CYP aged 15 plus Boloh Supports Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic children (11+), young people and parents and carers who have been affected by Covid-19. You can call to talk through any worry or problem, including around issues bullying and racism. 0800 151 2605 ​ The Mix For CYP aged 13 to 25 years ​ Sane For Young People aged 16 years and over ​ Student Minds For Young People aged 16 years plus ​ Charlie Waller Trust For young people starting sixth form, college and university ​ Cheshire East Carers' Hub ​ Barnardo’s See, Hear, Respond programme, For vulnerable CYP around the country who are experiencing negative impacts on their health and wellbeing, as well as those at risk of harm. ​ Advice and rights - Youth Access
  • Parenting Support
    Family Hub Parenting offer ​ MINDED For FAMILIES: A website with information for parent carers who feel concerned about their child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing. Links to various organisations that can help, advise, or give more information if needed. ​ My Family Coach from Team Teach: information for parent carers who feel concerned about their child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing. Links to various organisations that can help, advise, or give more information if needed. ​ CEIAS - Support and information for children and young people with SEND, their parents and or their careers. This service aims to ensure CYP with SEND and their parent carers can be fully involved in decisions relating to special educational needs provision. RELATE ​A toolkit to help build better relationships
  • Young Carers
    Young Carers Hub SANE ​Information & advice for anyone aged 16 and over, affected by mental illness as well as carers and families.
  • Careers / Post 16
    Unifrog ​ Youth Support Service ​ For CYP aged 13 to 25 years, who live in Cheshire East and could benefit from support such as open access, targeted Youth Work, Outdoor Education, focused support for NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), support to young people who have an EHC plan, and transitional planning for targeted young people preparing for adulthood. Journey First CYP over the age of 15 who face barriers into education, employment, or training. This tailored one-to-one service offers everyone the opportunity to find a path in a way which is as unique as the individual. ​​ Princes Trust 12-week programme ​ Employment, Education or Training. (Macclesfield Team Leaders), 07815487293 07812782093

If you feel that you still require more help then please look at the next section, Getting More Help.

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