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Brooklands Ave, Macclesfield, SK11 8LB

Tel : 01625 426138


Additional Needs Students


Inclusion is central to the Christian ethos and we firmly believe in the promotion of an inclusive environment that allows all of our students a chance to succeed.


The College follows the current Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2015) by the DfE, and uses the same definition of special educational needs i.e. Students have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty that calls for special educational provision to be made for them. The College recognises that provision for students with special educational needs is the responsibility of the whole College and that all teachers are teachers of students with special educational needs.


The aims of the special educational needs policy are:


  • To enable students with special educational needs to have their needs met

  • To take into account the views of the students with special educational needs

  • To encourage good communication with parents of children with special educational needs

  • To facilitate full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including the National Curriculum, for students with special educational needs. Some students receive additional support from a Teaching Assistant in the classroom. Some students may have a modified curriculum. Departments ensure classroom organisation, teaching materials, teaching style and differentiation are such that all students, including those with special educational needs, can learn effectively.


All staff are regularly trained in SEND matters and there is a regular communication of student needs amongst key College personnel.


We have a key worker programme for students identified with additional needs. This is an identified member of support staff who acts as an 'advocate or expert' for the identified child. It has an impact on many levels but is very helpful in allowing students to identify a particular person with whom they can communicate their worries, issues, but also successes and achievements. The key worker role promotes sound communication as part of a good and very real partnership between home and College. It allows for immediate access to key staff, and the implementation of strategies that allow for the sound education of your child. It also helps facilitate sound transition across the key stages, and the transfer into secondary education that can be worrying for SEND students and their parents. We very much welcome contact with parents and see it as the best way to help our students achieve their best whilst they are with us.


We are accredited with the Inclusion Quality Mark and Dyslexia Quality Mark.

Whilst we are recognised by a national programmes for Higher Achieving students, we believe all our students to be gifted and talented in many different ways. We ensure that everybody has access to excellence and that whilst there are many students who are identified as Higher Achieving, the learning of all students is given equal priority. As with all students, stretching and challenging tasks are provided for Higher Achieving students in their subjects, as well as extra-curricular classes and workshops

Inclusion/Send Policy

SEND Information Report

Accessibility Plan

Support Children With Medical Needs

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