All Hallows Catholic College
Faith In Action
‘Faith by itself, without action, is dead ’
(James 2:17)
The words of Saint Oscar Romero “Aspire not to have more but to be more” and the call by Pope Francis that young people should “make a ruckus” reminds us our power as young people to make a difference to our world and our duty to work for the ‘Common Good ’. (Ethan Rowley – Head Student 2021-22)
Here at All Hallows Catholic College we recognise our responsibility to those less fortunate than ourselves. By responding to the needs of the poor and marginalised in society we serve both our College community and the global community. Through identifying charitable causes, we want to support, we put our faith into action in very practical ways and in doing so demonstrate love for our neighbour and our desire to help to improve human rights for everyone.
‘Whatever you do to the least important, you do to Me’
(Matthew 25:45)
‘Who is my Neighbour?’
During the Autumn Term we support the Silk Life Foodbank part of the ‘Churches Together’ project and S.V.P providing food parcels for those in need within our local community. Meanwhile our Santa/Reindeer run raises valuable funds each year for East Cheshire Hospice. Our staff always enjoy raising funds the Macmillan Coffee Afternoon (See Aspire).
Our Christmas appeal each year supports the work of Caritas, providing Christmas gifts to families across our own Diocese (See Aspire).
During Lent our students are set the challenge of raising £4,000 to support the upkeep of the clinic we built in Varasanadu, India. The All Hallows clinic is run by the Presentation Sisters and provides Health Care to over 10,000 villagers in and around Varasanadu. In addition to whole College fundraising events such as the Staff v Sixth Form annual football match, Sixth Form Fancy Dress Day, and All Hallows Has Talents Day and Summer Fair, students run a variety of FUNdraising activities to help us meet our target.
Students and staff are encouraged to suggest worthy charitable causes they would like to support in any given year. A recent 5-day supplies appeal saw our families and feeder schools respond with generosity and compassion to the needs of those displaced by war in the Ukraine (see Aspire Magazine).
In addition to this we continue to support the work of CAFOD raising funds and awareness through our Hunger Lunches, as well as the many other charities each Form Group supports.
Through our weekly Liturgical Prayer and daily Prayer our students are challenged to put the Gospel into practice in a very practical way. Through Catholic Social Justice we share the opportunity to raise awareness of social injustice and demonstrate the power young people have to ‘Make a Difference’ (you can follow our work in our Aspire Magazines, ASPIRE Weekly Newsletters and on our Twitter account).
Through our ‘Faith in Action' Days, Eco Council, Chaplaincy Group and Core RE lessons our students have the opportunities to involve themselves in projects they are passionate about and demonstrate the power young people have to make a difference to Our Common Home.
All of these events provide opportunities for our students and staff to demonstrate our core values and in doing so show our faith in action (see Aspire Magazine).
To learn more about the fantastic work our students and staff please do:
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Read our Weekly Newsletters and Termly Aspire Magazines