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'Nothing we do to, or for our students, is more important than our assessment of their work and the feedback we give them on it. The results of our assessment influence students for the rest of their lives...'

All students receive regular and ongoing classroom assessment during lessons, and parents receive two ‘Academic Reviews’ and one report per year.


Key Stage 3

At KS3 the Academic Reviews report one single Attitude to Learning (ATL) grade for each subject. This encompasses the learning behaviours of the students, their engagement with lessons, the level of independence they show and the quality of work in and out of lesson. Details of which are outlined below.

They also report a progress descriptor for each subject, which is determined by on-going assessment in each subject area. Examples of work assessed include; classwork, homework, topic tests, quizzes, pieces of independent study and end of unit/topic tests.


Key Stage 4

At KS4 the Academic Reviews report continue to report one single Attitude to Learning (ATL) grade for each subject. They also report a current teacher assessment of where a student is at that point, based on classroom, homework and more formal assessments (current progress grade), and a separate predicted grade. The predicted grade is the estimated likely grade that the class teacher (and subject department) believes your child will receive at the end of Year 11, if their work ethic and attitude where to remain the same.



Sixth Form

In Sixth Form students receive Progress Reports that include ‘Fine Level Progress Grades’ that can be explained with the following example:


  • An A1 grade indicates that a teacher is confident that a student will achieve an A grade, should current performance be maintained and the student has a chance of achieving a grade above, which in this case would be an A* should improvements suggested by the teacher be acted upon.


  • An A2 grade indicates that a teacher is confident that a student will achieve an A grade should current performance be maintained. An A2 therefore indicates a solid A grade.


  • An A3 grade indicates that although progress / mock exam / internal assessment indicates performance that is worthy of an A grade, there is a chance that should performance drop the student is close to the boundary of the grade below, which in this case would be a B grade. An A3 therefore indicates a less secure A grade.


Attitude to Learning (ATL) Grades

To achieve an ATL score of a 1, a student predominantly meets the criteria listed below:

  • Has a genuine thirst for knowledge

  • Shows enthusiasm

  • Remains motivated, resilient and curious

  • Completes homework to the highest of standards

  • Always meets deadlines

  • Displays exceptional effort and commitment

  • Responds proactively to feedback

  • Contributes extensively to group activities

  • Seeks helps and further clarification when needed

  • Is an excellent example to peers

  • Engages in independent learning outside of lessons to enhance progress

  • Commits to additional reading


To achieve an ATL score of a 2, a student:

  • Maintains a positive approach to all aspects of learning

  • Shows enthusiasm

  • Remains motivated and resilient

  • Completes homework to a very good standard

  • Usually meets all deadlines set

  • Displays very good levels of effort

  • Responds well to feedback

  • Accept challenges and ‘gets involved’ in lessons

  • Asks for help when it is needed

  • Is a good example to peers

  • Is well prepared and organised and will carry out additional independent work when prompted

  • Commits to additional reading


To achieve an ATL score of a 3, a student:

  • Has a poor attitude that is having a detrimental effect on learning

  • Shows low levels of enthusiasm for learning

  • Has poor motivation and needs prompting to work

  • Completes work, outside of lessons, to an unacceptable standard

  • Does not meet deadlines

  • Demonstrates an inconsistent approach to learning at school and at home

  • Displays an inconsistent approach to responding to feedback and will often ‘give up’

  • Does not get involved in lessons

  • Does not ask for help when it is needed

  • Is a poor example to peers

  • Does not take responsibility for own learning and progress

  • Has poor organisation

  • Does not engage in additional reading

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