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Brooklands Ave, Macclesfield, SK11 8LB

Tel : 01625 426138


All Hallows College offers a broad curriculum at Key Stage 5, incorporating A-levels, BTEC’s and Diplomas. Your programme of study will be personalised and will depend on your individual needs and interests.   As a student you will be given advice and guidance on which is the most appropriate course for you, taking into consideration the GCSE’s you have already achieved.  Students are able to combine A-level and Vocational qualifications. This provides the flexibility for students to adapt their course to suit their future career plans and aspirations, whether that is university, apprenticeships or employment.

Advanced level study is designed to challenge you academically and help you to become a more independent learner, in readiness for the life-long learning challenges presented by modern society.  Due to the academic rigour, entry on to these courses requires a minimum of 5 grade 9 to 4’s at GCSE including Maths and/or English minimum grade 4. The entry requirements for subjects can be found in the SIXTH FORM PROSPECTUS | All Hallows College.

Year 12 students will choose to study 3 A level subjects over a 2 year period. Individual subject advice is given to students dependent on the GCSE results achieved.

Students who have not achieved a minimum grade 4 in Maths and English on entry to the Sixth Form will continue to study these subjects as part of their programme of learning.  Students who achieved grade 4 may choose to repeat the examination.

In addition to your chosen subjects, all students follow a Core R.E. programme, have the opportunity to engage in sport, volunteer work and a variety of extra-curricular opportunities throughout the year.  Some students will also undergo ‘selection’ for the Macclesfield Town Football Academy.

As part of our Aspire programme students may also choose to complete the Extended Project Qualification. (E.P.Q) in year 13.

All students complete one week Work Experience in June. We also offer a residential trip to Aberystwyth University to support students applications to Higher Education.

Curriculum Grids

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